The Centro de Formación Técnica Profesional Fray Casimiro Cypher is an educational institution located in Campamento, Olancho, Honduras. Established in 1991, the center aims to provide comprehensive education, combining spiritual and practical knowledge to the local community. The center offers various programs, including general culture, high school diplomas in sciences and humanities, informatics, business administration, and accounting and finance. Additionally, it provides technical training in carpentry, welding, metal structures, crafts, tailoring, and cell phone repair.
The center currently serves around 350 students in-person and an additional 738 students through distance learning programs. The institution is supported by a monthly subsidy from a parish near Dallas, Texas, and contributions from students.
update 3/11/25 — The church supporting the college is the Good Shepherd Catholic Community in Colleyville TX. The church is served by Franciscans. Wilson Romero is the Director of this school in Campamento at the present time.
A video about their Honduran Mission support and Fray Casimiro school